There are a number of foods that are extremely beneficial for unclogging arteries from arterial plaque and cholesterol, thus preventing the development of atherosclerosis, a serious condition that leads to heart disease, including heart failure.
As found in the study by the University of Southampton, fish, particularly tuna and salmon, is highly efficient in preventing clogged arteries, due to its high omega-3-oil content. It’s the omega 3 fatty acids that prevent plaque buildup in the arteries as well as oxidation of cholesterol and formation of blood clots.
Abundant in folic acid and potassium, spinach is particularly beneficial against hypertension. Not only does it prevent the formation of cholesterol, it also safeguards against heart failure in the long run. Spinach is also rich in lutein, a compound that protects against age-related macular degeneration.
The medicinal properties of garlic have long been known and used for treatment of various conditions including high blood pressure and heart disease. A number of studies have confirmed that garlic is particularly beneficial against coronary artery calcification.
Cranberry Juice
It only takes 3 cups of this juice a week to unclog arteries from plague and cholesterol buildup. The amazing health benefits of this juice come from its ability to increase cell ability to absorb fats and produce energy. That’s how fat accumulation in the blood vessels is prevented.
Olive oil
The amazing health benefits of olive oil in relation to cholesterol prevention have been confirmed by a number of studies. What makes this oil particularly efficient is its high content of monounsaturated fats can cleanse the arteries of LDL or bad cholesterol.
Tomatoes are abundant in lycopene that is extremely beneficial against hardening of the arteries according to a study in Korea. Lycopene also accounts for the red color in tomatoes. Studies also confirm that women who regularly consume tomatoes are less susceptible to cardiovascular issues.
Oat contains soluble fiber which prevents the formation of cholesterol. According to studies, 1.5 to 2.5 cups of cooked oats per day can reduce cholesterol levels by almost 20%.
Rich in antioxidants, pomegranate is one of the most powerful fruits that prevent hardening of the arteries. By preventing cholesterol accumulation, it reduces blood vessel damage and prevents the progress of atherosclerosis.
Kiwi and melon
You can effectively unclog arteries by taking only 1 cup of cantaloupe and kiwi per a day. It’s the rich antioxidant content in these fruits that makes them extremely beneficial for reducing LDL cholesterol.
Grapes are abundant in flavonoids, resveratrol and quercetin, which prevent the oxidation of cholesterol thus inhibiting the buildup of plaque on arterial walls. Grapes also lower the risk of heart disease and blood clot formation.
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