Located under the rib cage, kidneys are one of the most essential organs in the body. Actually, they are responsible for filtering 120-150 quarts of blood on a regular daily basis. By processing blood, the kidneys prevent the accumulation of excess fluids and waste in the body. Furthermore, they maintain the electrolyte levels under control and maintain bone health. They also support red blood cells formation and blood pressure control.
It’s not shocking that any kidney ailment immediately impacts your overall health and kidney failure is life-threating. Kidney damage symptoms can usually go unnoticed because they don’t typically cause pain.
The most common symptoms of kidney damage you should never overlook include:
Damaged kidneys are incapable of eliminating excess fluids from the body, which normally triggers swelling in the face, hands, feet, legs and ankles. Sudden swelling is also a symptom of failing kidneys.
Changes in Urination
The earliest indications of kidney failure that require immediate attention include:
- difficulty urinating or feeling pressure
- blood in urine
- dark urine
- urinating small amount of urine or less often
- pale urine in larger amounts or more often
- bubby or foamy urine
- urinating during night
- Skin Rash
As kidney function fails, toxin buildup are gathered in the blood, which often results in skin rashes or severe itching. This toxin buildup makes the skin irritated and dry. Even if you treat the problem topically, your kidney problem will remain the same.
Erythropoietin, also known as EPO, is a hormone that healthy kidneys produce. This hormone is responsible for formation of red blood cells, which carry oxygen. In case of kidney damage, the number of red blood cells lowers, which also affects oxygen supply in the body. This in turn results in less energy in your muscles an anemia.
5. Shortness of Breath
Shortness of breath can also indicate kidney damage. The thing is your body doesn’t get sufficient oxygen owing to fewer red blood cells, which also results in excess fluid accumulation in the lungs.
6.Metabolic Taste in the Mouth
Change of taste normally develops as a result of toxin accumulation in the blood. Your breath can also become foul.
Kidney damage is usually marked by pain in the upper back or on the side of the damaged kidney. Kidney stones as well as kidney infections can cause spasms and strong pain.
8.Trouble Concentrating and Dizziness
Last, but not least, kidney damage is connected to oxygen deficiency in the brain, which leads to lowered concentration. Dizziness and memory issues are also possible.
One of the healthiest ways to sustain a good kidney health is to eat food packed with antioxidants and nutrients. The video below can help you find out which foods are beneficial for proper kidney function.
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